Wednesday, November 26, 2014

loving is sick

first of all..i have a boyfriend where i loved him too much..
he was the best boy in my liffe..he"s kind,strong,tough and responsible..he always take care of me..but always make me wait for him..all night and days..i wait for him...i hope he know i loved him very much.. sometimes..i dont care about my heart even in pain..i m just concentrate on him..i dont care if he didnt not replay my chat because i will always wait for him..... he was everything for me..dont you understand me??you were a good boy..but why yu hurt me with become like this?? dlu tak macam ni pon..stop it laa..dh laa..try to understand me for once..just one time..huh love you

Thursday, September 25, 2014

my sweet moment

meeting him was the best moment in my life..never got scolded..sometime sakit hati tu biasalah kann..tpi him very different than others guys that i knew..he very thin and high compare than me chubby.,...hahahaha..nobody know how i love him so much..and yesterday i had read his diary mini..its all about me..hahahahha funny...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


dalam hidup ni ad kala suka dan duka
macmana nk suka kalu duk wt main ke org sokmo..serabut tahu dok mkir hal mu..benci molek wasee